Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Last Night's School Committee Meeting

We reviewed two primary topics at last night's meeting. First, our district physician, Dr. Alan Wolfe, presented results from the biannual Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Although Melrose students were polled because they are a captive audience, Dr. Wolfe was clear that the results represent teenagers in all of Melrose, whether they are public, private, or charter students. The Melrose Education Foundation, in conjunction with the Health Dept. and others will present more information at a forum on May 8th so stay tuned!

Our 2015 budget discussion began in earnest, and we agreed on line items that the Committee will officially approve at the end of the budget review in April (including revolving accounts; staffing and contracted services; supplies, materials, and technology; special education; and curriculum and instruction including professional development). We then talked about next year's ECC tuitions (proposed to increase 5% in order to keep the school self-sustaining) and athletics fees (with some re-tiering and increases proposed to keep fees at approximately 44% of total athletics expenses), along with a brief overview of Education Stations financials. We will vote on those fees at our next meeting.

If you want more information on the topics above, please take a look at our meeting packet on in the School Committee pull-down menu under IQM2. And don't forget - because of the State Senate primary on Tuesday, March 4th (for you lovers of language, the only date that is a command!), we are meeting on Wednesday, March 5th. Hope you will stay connected with the budget process and send along your thoughts. And of course, thanks so very much for all you do for our students!!!!