Friday, April 4, 2014

4/2 School Committee Meeting

We heard from Supt. Taymore that the "B" budget she has presented, although still $15k short of balanced based on what we are expected to receive from the City, will help us continue making progress, but is not close to an amount that realizes her vision for what the students of Melrose deserve.

We discussed fees and voted to:
* Raise elementary instrumental music fees from $175 to $225.
* Raise the Food and Consumer Science class fee (for food) from $65 to $70.
* Maintain fees for MHS photography class and transcripts.

We also voted to approve the bottom line budget of $27,166,695 and subsequently discussed some priorities should additional monies become available (from the state to the City), voting to make the Director of Fine and Performing Arts the first item funded.

Our next meeting is on Tuesday, April 8th at 7:00 and we plan to finalize the agreed-upon budget categories based on what we know at this time. We are also slated to continue discussion on budget priorities if additional funding becomes available. Just a reminder that the budget is always in flux (which is why you see us vote transfers between and among budget categories during the year). We don't carry balances in our revolving accounts anymore and unplanned expenses will directly affect the ability to fund planned staff, supplies, technology, etc. 

Please ask questions and/or offer feedback prior to Tuesday's meeting!