greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling
short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.”
Michelangelo's quote was provided by Anne Byrne, President of the National School Boards Association, during her opening comments at the Mass. Association of School Committees and Mass.
Association of School Superintendents annual joint conference from November 5th
through the 8th. It was a privilege to attend two keynote presentations, eight panel
sessions (and participate as a panel member for another session), and five
meals with colleagues to share experiences and ideas. The variety of district
profiles is striking for our small state but there is one
universal – an enormous number of passionate volunteers who believe in the power of public education to enrich, reward, and
challenge students. Learning from them was incredibly energizing, and I’ll post the highlights on this blog as I collect my
thoughts and consider the take-aways for Melrose, keeping in mind Michelangelo’s inspiring