Wednesday, September 2, 2015

School Committee Late Spring/Summer Meeting Highlights

In the months of June, July, and August, the Committee convened four times: 6/9, 6/23, 7/28, and 8/18. A broad variety of topics were reviewed and discussed, and here are the highlights (from my perspective, as always!):

June 9
·      Lincoln School was nominated as a National Blue Ribbon School as a result of 2 years as a commended school for closing the achievement gap.
·      Class of 2015 senior awards/scholarships, and college applications/ acceptances/attendance choices were provided.
·      A Fine and Performing Arts presentation was provided by Director Deb DiFruschia and included highlights of 2015 and plans for 2016.
·      Action items for Committee goals were discussed and approved.

June 23rd
·      The Start Time Task Force presented their findings and next steps.
·      The Director of Foreign Languages, Dr. Kim Talbot, and her team are at the half-way mark in their review of the department (called a “Mid-Cycle Review”), and they spoke to their findings to date.
·      Asst. Supt. Dr. Margaret Adams and the Social Studies team, led by Director Bryan Corrigan, presented their Final Program Review.
·      The Strategy Overview – one of the district’s most important guiding documents - was updated and presented.

July 28th
·      The pre-meeting included a review of each school’s 2016 School Improvement Plan, crafted by respective School Councils, and can be found on each school’s web site.
·      The Foundation Budget Review Commission, enacted by the state to review the formula used to determine how much each school district receives yearly, produced their initial report dated June 30th.
·      A high school Wellness teaching position was changed from part-time (.8) to full-time and another .4 Wellness teacher was added. A Science teacher was changed from part-time (.8) to full-time. Funds from school choice tuitions were used to pay for the changes.

August 18th
·      Supt. Taymore announced that the technology bond for the schools will come before the Aldermen in Sept.
·      Dr. Adams and members of the staff presented a review of assessments including how they are used, etc.
·      The 2016 Elementary Handbook was reviewed and approved.
·      Melrose City Planner Denise Gaffey provided a progress update on the MHS Learning Commons Project, indicating that abatement continues and will be completed prior to the opening of school.
·      The Committee performed its annual evaluation of the Superintendent. Chairman Thorp will draft a summary of the evaluation for consideration by the Committee at the next meeting.

Don’t forget that you can access all agendas and minutes at and you can watch at

The next meeting will be held on September 8th. The first part of the meeting will begin at 6:00 and include a panel discussion and questions about “School Committee Roles and Relationship with District Administration.” The regular business meeting will begin at 7:00.

Hope everyone is having an excellent start to the 2016 school year!!