We currently enroll 273 students in Kindergarten. Next
year’s enrollment to-date is 305 students which means we have space and
materials issues. This increase could be a “bubble” but could also be a trend
and we don’t yet know. If it’s a trend and we need to add classrooms/teachers
as students progress through the schools, we will need to plan for that.
The state-funded Kindergarten grant has been cut for the
current fiscal year, and is proposed for elimination in the Governor’s FY16
fiscal year budget. (The K grant funds
paraprofessionals who support teachers in K classrooms.)
The status-quo budget means adding two classroom teachers
(at Lincoln and Winthrop), an Academic Interventionist, and another ELL
The growth budget reflects thinking beyond where we are now
and getting to the next educational level for students. It includes adding 1.5
Library Media Specialists, a Social Worker, an Academic Facilitator, an
Instructional Coach, a Director of Instructional Technology, and an Inclusion
The ELA curriculum is outdated and not aligned with the
frameworks, and also needs to be addressed.
Ideally, there would be an Instructional Coach in every
building. They are well-versed in content and can provide support for content
delivery (i.e. an instructional coach can
help a teacher perform better teaching by having deep content knowledge as well
as understanding the practice of teaching the teacher – kind of like having a
prior soccer player coach soccer – the coach must know how to play, as well as delivering
understanding of the skills, strategies, and techniques to play effectively).
- For special education, we currently enroll 549 pre-K through age 22 students in-district,
31 Melrose residents who don’t attend the Melrose schools but receive services
in-district (mostly young students), and 38 out-of-district students for a
total of 618 students.
The largest segment of the special education budget is for
students placed out-of-district, and those tuitions continue to increase.
The special education budget doesn’t exist by itself, but
has elements embedded in many other parts of the budget.
Challenges include the extent of social/emotional needs; and the
increase in the number of students who need hospitalization, are on the autism
spectrum, and are homeless.
General education is the first resource for all students,
including special education students.
The March 24th meeting was a regular School
Committee meeting, with March 31st being the next budget meeting.
Please don’t forget to send your budget questions to fy16schoolbudget@melroseschools.com!